03 Jul, 2023

10 foods that can cause dehydration in summers

Caffeinated Beverages: Drinks like coffee and tea can have a mild diuretic effect which causes increase urine production

Source: Google

Alcoholic Beverages: Alcohol is a diuretic and can lead to increased urine output

Source: Google

Watermelon: While watermelon is hydrating but it also has a mild diuretic effect that may increase urine production

Source: Google

Spicy Foods: Spicy foods can cause sweating and increased water loss

Source: Google

Diet Soda: Coke, Sprite may quench thirst but the sugar content in soft drinks has a hypernatremic effect

Source: Google

High Protein Intake: If you are on a high protein diet, chances are you may feel dehydrated due to which cells may lose water content significantly

Source: Google

Salty Snacks: Salt can cause dehydration due to the impact that sodium has on the body

Source: Google

Fast Food: Fast Food contains salts and spices which can cause dehydration

Source: Google

Parsley: Parsley is known for its diuretic properties which lead to dehydration

Source: Google

Sugar products: Higher sugar intake causes the cells in the body to transfer more water and increase urination

Source: Google

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