21 Oct, 2024

10 ways to calm yourself down during anxiety

Deep breathing techniques like three-part breathing, help reduce anger and anxiety swiftly by disrupting fight or flight response

Source: Google

Acknowledging that you are feeling anxious or furious can dimnish the intensity of those emotions

Source: Google

Challenge your thoughts with the question that whether they are rational or reframe them with more realistic perspectives.

Source: Google

Physical activity such as walking or running helps releasing serotonin and emotional energy in a positive way

Source: Google

Journaling your inner thoughts can help releive the stress to a certain extent while also reducing anxiety

Source: Google

Reflecting upon your thoughts like "will this matter next week?" helps in shifting focus and thinking rationally in such situations

Source: Google

Changing your environment and surrounding yourself with more positive people can help in regaining focus

Source: Google

Keeping a centering object can help in being grounded during these moments

Source: Google

Hydrating yourself also helps in calming down and releases slight tension

Source: Google

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