31 Oct, 2023

Foods that brighten your complexion

Carrots: BRIGHTENING NUTRIENT: Vitamin A, your body constantly renews 1.6 billion skin cells every 28 days. Nourish them with vitamin A-rich foods for healthy, glowing skin.

Source: Google

Sesame Seeds: BRIGHTENING NUTRIENT: Zinc enhances skin's antioxidant defense with zinc-rich foods like oysters and green peas for healthy, glowing skin.

Source: Google

Oranges: BRIGHTENING NUTRIENT: Vitamin C combats aging and brighten skin with vitamin C from sources like oranges, raspberries, limes, and kiwis.

Source: Google

Sardines: BRIGHTENING NUTRIENT: Omega-3 fatty acids promote cardiovascular health, supporting skin by enhancing blood vessel nourishment, reducing inflammation, and more.

Source: Google

Yogurt: BRIGHTENING NUTRIENT: Probiotics combat red blotches and inflammation by incorporating probiotics from yogurt and supplements into your diet.

Source: Google

Kale: BRIGHTENING NUTRIENT: Antioxidants, counteract sun-induced skin spots with antioxidant-packed foods like kale, rich in over 45 flavonoids.

Source: Google

Wheat Germ: BRIGHTENING NUTRIENT: B Vitamins, boost your skin's daily cell turnover with B vitamin-rich foods like brewer's yeast, mushrooms, and wheat germ.

Source: Google

Lima Beans: Achieving a daily quota of a million skin cells requires more than just B vitamins. Molybdenum, found in legumes like lima beans, aids DNA synthesis, supporting new skin cell formation.

Source: Google

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