17 Jun, 2024

Reasons You Should Have Litchi This Summer

Anti-Cancer Properties: Many fruits with flavonoids and antioxidants help protect against cancer, but lychees stand out for their chemoprotective effects.

Source: Google

Regulates Blood Pressure: Potassium is essential for controlling blood pressure, and lychees are a rich source. The AHA recommends potassium-rich foods like lychees for people with hypertension.

Source: Google

Prevents Heart Disease: Lychees rank second only to strawberries in antioxidant content. Antioxidants reduce oxidative stress and damage caused by free radicals.

Source: Google

Low in Calories: For those on a weight loss regime, lychees are a great addition to the diet. One cup contains just 125 calories, helps reduce sweet cravings.

Source: Google

Rich in B Vitamins: Lychees are packed with vitamins, including vitamins C, K, and E, as well as riboflavin and niacin.

Source: Google

Natural Pain Killer: Rich in flavanols, lychees act as a natural painkiller by suppressing inflammation and preventing tissue damage.

Source: Google

Boosts Immunity: One cup of lychees contains 136 mg of vitamin C, equating to 226% of the daily recommended intake. Vitamin C is crucial for strengthening immunity.

Source: Google

Keeps Your Skin Glowing: If you suffer from acne and spots, lychees can help. Summer often brings pimple outbreaks due to trapped oil and dirt.

Source: Google

In addition to external treatments, nourishing your skin from within with lychees can help minimize acne blemishes and spots.

Source: Google

Their antioxidants also reduce wrinkles, keeping your skin looking young and beautiful.

Source: Google

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