23 Oct, 2023
Yoga in Bed: 5 Yoga Asanas You Can Do in Bed
Child Pose or Balasana
Source: Google
This yoga pose is one of the calming and gentle stretch. Start on your bed on hands and knees, then sink your hips to your heels and stretch your arms forward
Source: Google
Knee-to-Chest Pose or Apanasana
Source: Google
Lie on your back, hug your knees to your chest, and gently rock from side to side. This is a great stretch for the lower back
Source: Google
Butterfly Pose or Supta Baddha Konasana
Lying in bed, bring the soles of your feet to touch and allow your knees to fall open away from each other
Source: Google
Legs Up the Wall or Viparita Karani
Source: Google
Viparita Karani pose is excellent for relaxation. Lie on your back with your legs extended up the wall. It can help relieve tension in the legs and lower back
Source: Google
Cat/Cow Pose or Marjaryasana
Source: Google
Cat and cow poses provide a gentle massage of the spine and belly organs. Start on your hands and knees in a tabletop position. Inhale, arch your back (Cow Pose), and exhale, round your back (Cat Pose)
Source: Google
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