Daily food items that can improve eyesight; check list

By  Shgun S October 25th 2022 03:19 PM

New Delhi, October 24: In our digital age, where the majority of people spend more than half of their waking hours on computers, desktops, and smartphones, eating a healthy, balanced diet is critical in order to combat the various eye-related problems that come with such a lifestyle.

To have a healthy set of eyes, you must adopt eating habits that can help with eye problems while also improving vision.

So, here's a quick list of foods that can help you improve the health of your eyes.


The vitamins and nutrients in eggs, such as lutein and vitamin A, are extremely beneficial to eye function and, in the long run, improve eyesight. You can cook and eat eggs however you choose, and you can even try them raw.

Buddha's Hand

Buddha's Hand, one of the strangest-looking fruits, is extremely beneficial to eye health. This fruit is high in vitamin C and helps to protect the capillaries of the retina, therefore it should be included in your diet if you want to improve your vision.


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Toss them in salads or shred them up and mix them into pancake batter; carrots are well-known for their eye-health benefits in any form. Carrots, like egg yolks, contain vitamin A as well as beta carotene, which aids in the prevention of eye infections and other significant eye conditions.

Almonds and other nuts

Vitamin E and omega fatty acids are essential for optimal eye health, and dry fruits like almonds are excellent sources of these nutrients. This is the type of food for which you must substitute with snacks. Just keep an eye on the serving size because some dry fruits are heavy in calories, so try to limit your intake.


If you eat non-vegetarian foods, pick seafood over chicken and beef since it is one of the highest sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for eye health. Vegetarians can take fish oil supplements instead.

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-PTC News with ANI inputs

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