National Nutrition Week 2018: Here's your life changing diet!

By  Nimrat Kaur September 5th 2018 12:21 PM

National Nutrition Week 2018: Here's your life changing diet!

Macrobiotics don’t claim to be the “diet” choice for you.

Starting to eat macrobiotic food is more of a lifestyle change.

The Macrobiotic regime was popularised by George Ohsawa in the 1930s, and is based on the concept of balancing yin and yang. It is a system focused on making adjustments in terms of both food and lifestyle choices than just what you eat.

Macrobiotics involves eating mostly organic and locally grown food products like- vegetables, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Small amounts of fish and meat are allowed, occasionally.

You eat only when hungry, chew food thoroughly before swallowing, purify water before drinking or cooking and avoid caffeinated or alcoholic drinks.

You should ideally eat your dinner at least two to three hours before going to bed. Use skin and hair care products made from natural, non-toxic ingredients. Exercise regularly and should include yoga and going on walks. Keep your kitchen clean and use utensils made of natural untreated wood, stainless steel, ceramic pots and pans.

-PTC News

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