11 Dec, 2023

Drinks to help you lose winter weight

Lemon Mint Tea:Blend lemon & mint in water overnight. Boil for 5 mins for a digestion-aiding tea rich in vitamin C. Curbs hunger, perfect for shedding winter weight.

Source: Google

Beetroot Juice: Grate & blend beetroot for a nutrient-rich, low-calorie juice. Supports liver function, aids fat-burning, and keeps you full.

Source: Google

Beetroot Juice: Add lemon juice and black salt for taste enhancement.

Source: Google

Cinnamon Tea: Earthy-flavored tea regulates blood sugar and reduces cravings. Boosts metabolism; comforting and aromatic winter drink. Simmer cinnamon sticks in hot water for 5-7 mins.

Source: Google

Coconut Cinnamon Tea: Combines cinnamon benefits with rich coconut milk. Boil cinnamon sticks in coconut milk for a creamy, weight-loss aiding drink. Sprinkle cinnamon powder for added flavour.

Source: Google

Lemon Chia Water: Soak chia seeds overnight; add lime juice. Fiber-rich chia seeds prevent overeating and aid fat burning. Hydrating drink supporting weight loss and providing essential nutrients.

Source: Google

ACV & Turmeric Shots: Boosts metabolism, aids digestion, and contains anti-inflammatory properties. Mix turmeric with 'mother'-containing apple cider vinegar for a beneficial shot.

Source: Google

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