Selfie and duck face are gone, ‘Barbie feet’ is the latest trend on Instagram

By  Nimrat Kaur July 10th 2018 05:33 PM

‘Barbie feet’ is the latest trend on Instagram

You might have come across photos of celebs and models, posing with their feet arched in every second image. This trend is official now as it has been given a name- 'Barbie feet'.

From the Kardashian sisters to Kendall Jenner and Victoria’s Secret models, everyone seems to be in the grip of this latest Instagram trend.

“While Barbie’s plastic feet are permanently moulded into a pointed position, Instagram pros are whipping out the pose when they want to elongate their legs in photographs,” a site said.

The pose requires one to arch their feet and stand on tiptoes just like Barbie - it is almost like posing in your invisible high heels. It has become hugely popular among girls because it makes their legs look slender and longer.

Here's proof-

-PTC News

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