Study shows traumatic childhoods lead to adult anger

Everyone experiences difficult or painful experiences growing up, those with a traumatic childhood often find it harder to move past those events and develop into emotionally healthy adults.

By  Annesha Barua March 27th 2023 01:13 PM

PTC News Desk: A traumatic childhood can have a lasting impact on a person's emotional and mental health throughout their life. While everyone experiences difficult or painful experiences growing up, those with a traumatic childhood often find it harder to move past those events and develop into emotionally healthy adults. In particular, they may find themselves more prone to feelings of anger and other intense emotions.

Traumatic childhood experiences can include emotional, physical, or sexual abuse, neglect, abandonment, poverty, or significant losses. These experiences can be so intense that they lead to feelings of fear, guilt, and shame. These emotions are often too powerful for a child to process, so they stay bottled up and can manifest later in life.

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Adults who experienced a traumatic childhood may find themselves struggling with feelings of anger more than other adults. They may become easily frustrated with their own limitations or lash out at those around them. They may also feel overwhelmed by strong emotions and not know how to express them in a healthy way. These intense emotions can be a result of unresolved pain from the past.

The good news is that there are ways to manage the anger from a traumatic childhood. One of the first steps is to seek professional help. A therapist can help a person identify and process the emotions they experienced as a child. They can also help a person learn how to manage their anger and other intense emotions in a healthy way.

It is also important to be patient with yourself and to remember that it is not your fault. Traumatic childhoods can be incredibly damaging, but it is possible to heal and develop emotionally healthy coping skills. With time and effort, those who experienced a traumatic childhood can learn to manage their anger and find peace.

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