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Punjab: Jalandhar elderly woman dragged behind scooter in purse snatching incident

The incident occurred in an affluent locality of Jalandhar, Punjab.

Reported by:  PTC News Desk  Edited by:  Annesha Barua -- April 19th 2024 01:13 PM
Punjab: Jalandhar elderly woman dragged behind scooter in purse snatching incident

Punjab: Jalandhar elderly woman dragged behind scooter in purse snatching incident

PTC News Desk: In a horrifying incident in a posh neighbourhood of Jalandhar, Punjab, an elderly woman became the victim of a brazen purse-snatching attempt that turned into a terrifying ordeal. Caught on CCTV, the footage depicts the woman valiantly clinging to her purse while being dragged behind a speeding scooter by two assailants.

The distressing scene unfolds as the pillion rider on the scooter relentlessly tries to wrench the purse from the woman's grip, leading to her being pulled along the road. Despite her efforts to hold on, the scooter abruptly halts, causing her to spin perilously close to its rear wheel. Ignoring her plight, the scooter accelerates once more, leaving the woman's head scraping against the unforgiving pavement until she is ultimately compelled to release her grasp.

The heart-wrenching footage captures the woman lying on the ground, visibly injured and struggling to rise. With grit and determination, she manages to crawl to safety, visibly in pain, before signaling for assistance from passing vehicles.

The harrowing incident occurred on Wednesday evening, leaving the victim traumatised. When interviewed by NDTV, she revealed her reluctance to report the crime to the authorities out of fear of potential retaliation from the perpetrators. "They may come and loot me again," she expressed, emphasising her desire to remain anonymous for her safety.

This disturbing episode serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerability faced by individuals, particularly the elderly, in urban environments where instances of brazen criminality continue to pose a threat to public safety.

- With inputs from agencies

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