Google resolves Rs 41,000 crore lawsuit over 'incognito' data spying

By  Annesha Barua December 29th 2023 10:48 AM

PTC News Desk: Reports emerged that Google's parent company, Alphabet, reached a settlement in response to accusations of clandestinely tracking private user data during 'Incognito' browsing. A class-action lawsuit highlighted this breach, revealing concerns about users' browsing being monitored without consent.

US District Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers halted proceedings in a California court as Google agreed to a binding term sheet via mediation, indicating a potential resolution. Though specific settlement details weren't disclosed, the suit sought over Rs 41,000 crore (approximately $5 billion) in damages.

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The case revolved around allegations of Google employing Google Analytics, cookies, and apps to track user data even in the supposed privacy of Incognito mode, contrary to the mode's intended privacy assurances. Despite Incognito mode's promise of private browsing, users' online activities were allegedly monitored without their awareness, leading to this legal action.

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Google's Incognito intrigue: Lawsuit unveils privacy breach

The lawsuit against Google alleged that the tech giant accessed private data, particularly through its Incognito mode, aiming to tailor preferences based on users' browsing habits. Despite Google's attempts to dismiss the lawsuit, the judge upheld the case, indicating the gravity of the claims.

The plaintiff behind the class-action suit highlighted Google's intrusion into private information, transforming the company into a repository of personal details. This breach, as stated in the lawsuit, enabled Google to gather extensive knowledge about individuals, including their social circles, interests, favorite items, shopping behaviors, and even potentially sensitive online inquiries.

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During the legal proceedings, Judge Rogers scrutinised Google's conduct regarding its promises to safeguard user privacy while in private browsing mode. The judge deliberated over Google's privacy policy and its public statements, questioning whether the company had made binding commitments to refrain from data collection during private browsing sessions.

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Initiated in 2020, the lawsuit encompassed millions of Google users from June 1, 2016, onward, seeking a minimum of $5,000 in damages per user. The lawsuit accused Google of violating federal wiretapping laws and California's privacy regulations, signaling the widespread impact and potential implications for user data protection.

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