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Punjab becomes first to start biofertilizer laboratory

Punjab Minister of Welfare of Freedom Fighters, Defense Services Welfare and Food Processing Chetan Singh Jauramajra, inaugurated the Biofertilizer Laboratory under Horticulture Department at Citrus Estate

Reported by:  PTC News Desk  Edited by:  Annesha Barua -- February 03rd 2023 08:27 PM
Punjab becomes first to start biofertilizer laboratory

Punjab becomes first to start biofertilizer laboratory

Chandigarh, February 3: To protect the soil, water and air from contamination, Punjab government intends to reduce use of chemical fertilizers by 15 to 20 per cent with the organic fertilizers prepared at India's first state-of-the-art biofertilizer laboratory inaugurated at Citrus Estate, Hoshiarpur on Friday.

Punjab Minister of Welfare of Freedom Fighters, Defense Services Welfare and Food Processing Chetan Singh Jauramajra, inaugurated the Biofertilizer Laboratory under Horticulture Department at Citrus Estate, on Friday in Hoshiarpur.

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Minister Jauramajra further said that this laboratory has been built at a cost of Rs 2.50 crore under Rashtriya Krishi Vigyan Yojana to reduce the cost of chemical fertilizers of the landlords in Punjab and to protect the soil from contamination from chemical fertilizers. 

There are 10 types of organic fertilizers those are produced in the laboratory, such as (Azotobacter Carrier based, PSB Carrier Based, Azotobacter liquid formulation, PSB liquid formulation, Potassium solubilizing bacteria), the minister said. Apart from this, the horticulture department will also provide necessary technical information to the landlords regarding the use of these organic fertilizers by organizing awareness camps.

According to the information received, Jauramajra said the Indian government agency ICAR-IARI, the use of chemical fertilizers can be reduced by 15-20 per cent with the use of organic fertilizers prepared from this state-of-the-art laboratory, which directly increases the income of the landlord.

The minister made it clear that the state of Punjab has become the first such state in India, which has established this state-of-the-art biofertilizer laboratory to protect the soil, water and air of the state from contamination and to increase the income of the landlords.


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