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Punjab: HC seeks report from DGP on lack of action against unlawful weapon displays in public ceremonies

Punjab and Haryana High Court has sought a report on criteria for issuing arms licenses under Arms Act and has requested information on how many licenses have been granted and on what basis in past five years

Reported by:  PTC News Desk  Edited by:  Jasleen Kaur -- April 18th 2024 07:44 PM
Punjab: HC seeks report from DGP on lack of action against unlawful weapon displays in public ceremonies

Punjab: HC seeks report from DGP on lack of action against unlawful weapon displays in public ceremonies

Chandigarh, April 18: The Punjab and Haryana High Court has taken a strict stance against the widespread display and use of weapons in weddings, public places and on social media in Punjab. The court has sought an explanation from the Punjab DGP regarding the lack of change despite the prohibition imposed in 2022.

The Punjab and Haryana High Court has demanded a report on the criteria for issuing arms licenses under the Arms Act and has requested information on how many licenses have been granted and on what basis in the past five years. The court has also asked for details of surprise visits made to public events since the ban was imposed in 2022.

Justice Harkesh Manuja issued these orders while hearing a bail plea of an accused in one such case. Following the High Court's orders, the Punjab Government had banned the display, use and exhibition of firearms in public places, on the Internet, and on social media. Officials were instructed to conduct surprise visits and inspections in their respective areas.

However, Justice Manuja noted that there seems to be no real change on the ground, with open use of firearms in weddings and public ceremonies, as well as licensed arms being used for criminal activities or social media posts. The High Court expressed concerns about the lax enforcement of arms licensing rules and its own orders. Therefore, the court has taken a strict stance in the matter and ordered the DGP to provide a comprehensive report by the next hearing on April 26.

- With inputs from our correspondent

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